Sunday, November 30, 2008

Six Sigma:

A quality program, that, improves your customers experience, lowers your costs, and builds better leaders by reducing waste and inefficiency and by designing a company’s products and internal processes so that customers get what they want, when they want it, and when you promised it.

Six Sigma is about variation and removing it from your customers interface with you.

You always here VOC-Voice of the customer: And who is a customer? Whoever use your service is your customer, it could be internal or external, our client, our company, our leaders or followers?

Six Sigma is not for every corner of a company, jamming it into creative activities, such as writing advertising copy, new marketing initiatives, or one-off transactions like investment banking, makes little sense and causes a lot of wheel-spinning. Six Sigma is meant for and has its most meaningful impact on repetitive internal processes and complex new product designs.

There are two ways of going about it: ‘DMAIC’ i.e. Define, Measure, Anlyse, Improve and Control or ‘DFSS’

Also one of the important learning from it is on ‘Time’

1. Do things right at the first time.
2. Do customers pay for it?
3. Is there a physical change?

In exam there is not best time to get through than the first! Back to action or back from action!

HR recruitment 5 rounds, and then rejection, tremendous loss for both employer and employee.

Five rounds, is it really needed?
 Initial test.
 First round interview.
 Second round interview.
 Documentation
 Medical test

It was indeed a great privilege having had an opportunity to attend a class on it. To understand Six Sigma: Understand the simple maxim: ‘Variation is evil’.


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